Friday 19 October 2012

Getting Somewhere

Har! My last blog post was so melodramatic!

I have actually done a bit of texture work since then. Take a look:

I should be honest, the reason why all this got done was because I needed some more polished work so I could start job hunting. Nothing spells motivation like the need of M-O-N-E-Y.

I wanted to revisit Anna. When I made this image her face wasn’t rigged yet so she looks a little boring for a protagonist. 

I wanted to get her into these much more dynamic poses.
However, to do that I would have to enter the territory of no face Anna. (Remember her? If not read the post Attack of the Technical Difficulties)

I don’t think I’m ready to face her none-existent face.

Have you ever been really sick in the everything refuses to stay in your tummy kind of way? Do you blame the food or beverage you had pre sickness? Now every time you think of ingesting that food or beverage you feel like upchucking?  
No face Anna is like that for me. Every time I think about her I get overwhelmed by this frustrated, angry, despairing emotional vomit.    

Her and Baba Ganoush

But that’s a different story